Genre: Thriller
Cast: Edward Furlong, Dash Mihok and Blake Michael
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
THE MORTICIAN is a contemporary urban noir. A redemption tale, the story of a man stepping from darkness into to light, one man’s struggle through the violence and corruption of a dying city where the poor are corralled into lawless ghettos. Alienated and cold, The Mortician (Method Man) processes the corpses with steely disregard. He is lonely and isolated
THE MORTICIAN is a contemporary urban noir. A redemption tale, the story of a man stepping from darkness into to light, one man’s struggle through the violence and corruption of a dying city where the poor are corralled into lawless ghettos. Alienated and cold, The Mortician (Method Man) processes the corpses with steely disregard. He is lonely and isolated
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